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View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Vinny 11:01 Wed Aug 12
West Ham begin their final season at the Boleyn Ground with a visit from Leicester City. The Foxes like West Ham started the season brilliantly with Sunderland defeated at the King Power Stadium 4-2.

West Ham obviously made waves with a stunning 2-0 victory away at Arsenal in what was the shock result of the opening weekend.

Since that win there has been much talk about the potential signing of Joey Barton. The other not so savoury piece of news has been Diafra Sakho being arrested for alleged domestic assault. It's been easy to forget that there is a game on Saturday.

The View from the opposition comes from Leicester City fans David Atkins and Chris Beazley. Many thanks to them both for answering this weeks questions.

If you could have an Orgy with three current Leicester City players who would they be and why?

Shinji Okazaki , Big Wes Morgan and Vardy, because everywhere we go, we're the Leicester boys shagging lady boys everywhere we go and party is complete without a Jamie Vardy party so bring your vodka and your charlie.

Chris: I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'with' them?! Jamie Vardy - apparently he's always "havin' a party"! Fuchs and Kante seem well named for it.

How mentally unstable was Nigel Pearson?

David: Pearson was a good bloke who used to do things to protect his players from their own failure at the time.

Chris: Not at all. Top bloke. Like him; dour with dry sense of humour (like me).

Keeping on the mental theme, appointing Claudio Raniari seemed a bit mental. Were you happy with his appointment?

I didn't want Pearson to go but very happy with Ranieri I think he can take us to the next level.

Chris: Would rather have kept Pearson. Not unhappy but will tell you more at the end of the season - or, at least, by Christmas. He was better than some of the other names although would have preferred (I know you'll all laugh) Allardyce!. We need to stay in the league.

Do you miss Filbert Street?

I do miss Filbert Street. The atmosphere is never the same at these new stadiums, although the King Power is a top stadium you never feel like you're part of the game at the new stadiums.

Chris: I wasn't especially attached to it, although that's what I grew up with. New stadium has, obviously, better facilities and viewing. Atmosphere is good at the moment.

Who is the one Leicester player we should be concerned about on Saturday?

: Possibly Vardy who will have a point to prove after the snakes at the sun stirred the pot once again.

Chris: Riyad Mahrez.

What is your favourite memory against West Ham?

It was a game at Upton Park. I think it was the last game of the season, I can't recall the score I just remember the atmosphere being hostile.

Chris: My first ever game, midweek at Filbert Street. Would've been early to mid 70s. I can only remember Clyde Best was playing and we won 3-2 (I think).

Would you rather win the FA Cup or finish 4th in the Premiership?

Personally I'd rather see an FA Cup win but for the club and moving forward it's better to finish top 4, why not have top 3 get Champions League and FA cup Winners get Champions League?

Chris: I Would rather finish anywhere top ten (for now).

If you could have one West Ham player in the Leicester team, who would it be?

Dimitri Payet. Looked deadly against Arsenal.

Chris: Adrian.

What are your thoughts on West Ham moving to the Olympic Stadium?

It's disgusting that West Ham have been practically given a stadium built for by tax payers money. The money West Ham are spending on the stadium is a drop in the ocean compared to how much extra revenue it will bring in for them.

Chris: I might go and see them more often as I'm only half hour away on train. Great stadium. Will it still have the track? Seems a long way from the pitch. Should surely be good for West Ham.

Where do you expect Leicester City to finish this season?

14th again.

Chris: 15th.

Are you an ostrich?

I'm not ostrich, I'm a fox.

Chris: Occasionally.

What is your favourite packet of crisp?

Blue cheese and onion walkers

Chris: Walkers baked cheese and onion

And finally, your prediction for the game.

I think it will be 3-1 West Ham.

Chris: 2-1 West Ham.

Many thanks again to David and Chris for their answers.

Leicester City 2 West Ham 1 - 27th October 1997


West Ham 4 Leicester City 3 - 10th May 1998


Twitter @vinnywhufc

Blog - vinnywhufc.wordpress.com

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Scraper 12:12 Fri Aug 14
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City

chim chim cha boo 2:51 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City

That was an actual kewl story tbf.

icwhs 12:06 Fri Aug 14
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City

Coffee 10:41 Fri Aug 14
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
gank 1:33 Thu Aug 13

You missed a comma after "errors" and after "choose".

Ag ag ag

Coffee 10:41 Fri Aug 14
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
gank 1:33 Thu Aug 13

You missed a comma after "errors" and after "choose".

Prometheus50 10:36 Fri Aug 14
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Lawrenson clearly knows more than any Leicester supporter as he has gone for a 0-2 win for the visitors

Alvin 10:28 Fri Aug 14
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
One of those teams we always do well against. I agree with them - a win for us. 3-1, no, 2-0; they won't score..

alfs barnet 9:56 Fri Aug 14
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
gank 1:33 Thu Aug 13

Steve P 7:58 Fri Aug 14
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Thanks Vinny.

They disagreed with each other about their new stadium, I see. Other than that, not much to think about. They both fancy them to lose, I like that.

Lewisham_Hammer 12:56 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City

Lewisham_Hammer 12:55 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Cheers Vinny.

That Chris actually sounded quite amusing, the David bloke was a stereotypical "they're getting it for free" asshole!

Chris's answer about the satium was pretty funny and how it being close might make him go agagag!!!

young woody 12:31 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Cheers Vinny.

icwhs 12:19 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City

gank 1:33 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City

You sound like a right wanker, grammar?

Read the Telegraph ffs, this is WHO

Cheers Vinny

Scraper 11:42 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
gank 1:33 Thu Aug 13

Just be happy he ain't doing the match reviews no more. Now THEY were tedious.

These are wonderful.

cup of tea 11:37 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
The 4-3 was a great game. It was a boiling day and I had had a few DRINKS with my MATES before hand. In fact watching the clip I can be seen at the front of the BML as a young scamp with curtain hairstyle.

Thanks for reading

BulphanIron 10:28 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Another one for the neutral end!

tnb 10:20 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
This isn't pro-OS point scoring, although I'm sure it will get presented as such, but it's interesting that the (I'm assuming from the first chap's responses) older fan is more on the side of their new stadium given the facilities etc than the younger one. I wonder whether we may see a similarly split demographic once we've settled in in Stratford. He also seems to have swallowed the media nonsense about us being given taxpayers money etc much less than the other fan.

I've not been to the Kingpower so can't compare it either with Filbert St or the OS plans, but I remember some of their fans being nasty cuts at Filbert St. We had coins thrown at us at a game there, late 90s I think.

chim chim cha boo 2:51 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Yep, I quite liked these two cunts. My dislike of Leicester is purely based on a right fucking idiot I used to know who supported them and hated the fact that I nobbed his missus' better looking sister.

About 10 years ago the Sun ran a competition to win a record breaking attempt to see the most Premiership games in 90 minutes and some ginger 17 year old Leicester supporter won it.

The plan was that Leicester, Villa and a couple of other midlands Premiership clubs were all playing at 3PM on Saturday and he'd go by helicopter, land as close to the stadiums as possible and we (Virgin Limobike riders) would race him to the stadiums, he'd watch a minute of the game and we'd race him back to the helicopter and on to his next match. I remember the last game was Liverpool at home.

We all stayed in a hotel in Birmingham the night before the attempt and I felt a bit sorry for him as we were all pals and motorcycle racers and journalists and he was a bit shy. We ended up taking him out for a ruby and getting him piss drunk. He was fucking wasted by the end of the night.

Next day me and my pal Kenny waited for the helicopter in a field near Leicester's stadium, Ken was taking the photographer and I was taking the ginger kid. The chopper landed and some girl gets out and puts her fingers across her neck in an 'it's off boys' type of signal. The kid literally fell out of the chopper and projectile vomited last night's prawn bhuna everywhere.

I legged it across the field and he was saying 'I can't do it'. I grabbed him and said 'fuck that mate, jump on the bike and I'll give you a blast of fresh air- you'll be peachy, honestly. Best hangover cure ever'.

He struggled a bit but I wiped the sick off his face, put the crash helmet on him and told him to hold on tight then propelled him up a dual carriageway at about 150 MPH towards the ground. I asked him how he felt and he said 'fucking hell you're right- a massive blast of air and I feel great. It's that helicopter that was the problem'.

Anyway, he perked up, got the world record and a two page spread in The Sun (where they mercilessly took the piss about him honking in the helicopter) and we didn't get the tin-tack for almost fucking up a stunt that must have cost thousands by getting ginger trashed the night before.

Good times.

BRANDED 2:24 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Seem like a couple of cunts

Cheers Vin

yngwies Cat 2:22 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Cheers Vin, thanks. As for the Foxe's duo you can shove your Walkers up your collective Golden Wonder!!

gank 1:33 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
I'm sick of you, Vinny. Your articles are overly verbose, rarely interesting and are always, without fail, riddled with grammatical errors which make them a nuisance to read. Now you've done a 'View from..' it's much the same. Tripe.

Perhaps it would be better for Vinny to be rendered unable to post articles any longer, so we may click on his long, boring threads should we so choose but will no longer be drawn to the fancy-coloured text of his dull and unnecessarily long diatribes when shown as 'articles'.

ironsofcanada 1:33 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Thanks for this again.

charleyfarley 12:09 Thu Aug 13
Re: View From The Opposition - Leicester City
Ta vin top stuff

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